» Regn

Helt plötsligt så såg det ut som att det snöade ute när jag satt och pluggade i köket!
När jag tittade ordentligt så såg jag att det var bladen på blommorna i trädet utanför som föll på grund utav regnet som hastigt kom.
Det är något visst med regn som jag gillar så ut med kameran i högsta hög! Vill ju verkligen kunna fånga REGNET på bild men det är ju lättare sagt än gjort tyvärr. Tycker ändå att jag lyckats rätt bra ed första bilden

» Ny design

Hej alla glada!

Bestämde mig för att det var dags att byta designen och trots att den är långt ifrån färdig så känns det ändå nytt och fräscht!
I söndags åkte jag med mamma och pappa på WT ( working test) med pappas ena Flat Coated Retriever tik, Flatterhaft Söt Som Socker, till vardags Tyra. En tävlingsform som jag inte vart med på innan. Det var ca 60 startande och det fanns 5 stationer så alla delades in i 5 grupper och sedan roterades det gruppvis. 
Riktigt kul var det! Hade sett framemot sol och värme men det regnade inte på oss iaf.
Efter detta var jag och Christoffer hemma hos Peter och Åsa där vi fick middag och hjälpte (tog över) Peter med sin nya laptop. Så nu finns allt han behöver installerat på den ;)


» blog assignment 3



Book reflection – Faking It by Lotte Dahley


When I was standing on Golden Sands Airport in Hungary last summer after a week of sun, my eyes got stuck on this book “Can the girl next door be the next big thing?” you could read on the front page. This is so far from what I usually read but I just had to have it with its all pink and girly look.

But sadly I didn’t pick it up and start reading it until we got this task in our English course this spring.

Briefly the book is about a Katie Lewis who gets dumped by her actor boyfriend Jack through a text message and the media is knocking on her door that very morning. Her ex-boyfriend has left her for a famous actress with a flawless body and smile.

Katie works for a magazine and her PR-friends decides to make an extreme makeover on her to turn her into a superstar so that her ex would want to take her back and regret what he has done. So overnight she gets to wear expansive clothes and makeup, party with the famous and being idolized for being strong and independent by the “regular people”.

I loved the concept of this book that a plus size girl who is very plane-Jane gets the opportunity to be like the rich and famous. I bet I’m not the only one that dreams of that at times to times. But there are lots of conflicts in the book as well. When they decided to make Katie a celebrity she also got a lot of new friends that just want to help her, or are they really? So she will have to be strong and figure out who her real friends are.

This book is very easy to see yourself in, how she struggles not to check facebook or not to call Jack after a couple of wine. How hard it is for her to accept her being dumped. How irrational she is thinking when she is being sad. But there are a lot of happy, crazy and sexy moments in there as well and I think I laugh out load quite many times. The book was really addictive because I wanted to know how she was going to handle all the things that happened to her all the time.

At the end of this book, she has been through a hell of a ride but after all she can go away from it all with her head up high while some other of the characters really made a fool out of themselves and you can close the book with a smile on your face. I did feel a bit stronger and a bit of victory after reading this book and I can say that it boosted me.