» Första milen 2017
Det blev tre pass där första och sista var utomhus och den andra på Nordic Wellness Södercity.
Sista passet gick över isgator som bitvis saknade grus. Så mina första 4 km löpning detta år gick vääääldigt långsamt men vad gör det. Dom gjordes! :)
Denna veckan är det en ny mil som ska springas!
» Återuppkomst!
Dessutom har jag gjort en pakt med migsjälv att under 2017 ska jag skringa 1 mil i veckan! Så då tänkte jag att jag kan ta och anteckna här hur det går och förhoppningsvis gör det de enklare att hålla målet. Så 52 mil under 2017 ska det bli!
Jag har inte sprungit någonting sedan Vårruset 2016 och tänker mig att jag ska springa 2 dagar veckan a 5 km. Började den 2a januari och sprang då 3km. Använder mig utav runkeeper som jag alltid haft med mig sedan 2011, men denna dagen krånglade gps:en ordentligt. Väldigt irriterande. Sedan sprang jag igår fast på löpband då de kom snö under dagen och var ca -4 grader ute. Så någon dag i helgen blir det att springa 4km så har jag klarat 1 av 52 veckor! Alltid segt att komma igång med löpningen men jag ska nog köra 3 dagar i veckan till att börja med så jag inte får ptoblem med benhinnor som jag haft tidigare.
Och sedan jag skrev sist så har alltså Zelda flyttat in hos oss
» Smögen och Hunnebostrand
Påvägen upp stannade vi till vid Resteröds utförsäljningställe.
Vi hälsade även på min morfar vid två tillfällen i Govik där vi har ett släktställe, några hus och stugor, badplatser med hopptorn och en småbåtshamn. Tog tyvärr inga bilder därifrån.
Vi var även på en liten festival i Hunnebostrand och åt väldigt gott på en restaurang där och fotade och tittade på konstverken i sten där.
Hade ett par riktigt härliga dagar uppe i Bohuslän!
» Zelda 6 veckor
En liten sheltietik efter Shellrik's Copy Right
» St. Förö
» Regn
» Ny design
Bestämde mig för att det var dags att byta designen och trots att den är långt ifrån färdig så känns det ändå nytt och fräscht!
» blog assignment 3
Book reflection – Faking It by Lotte Dahley
When I was standing on Golden Sands Airport in Hungary last summer after a week of sun, my eyes got stuck on this book “Can the girl next door be the next big thing?” you could read on the front page. This is so far from what I usually read but I just had to have it with its all pink and girly look.
But sadly I didn’t pick it up and start reading it until we got this task in our English course this spring.
Briefly the book is about a Katie Lewis who gets dumped by her actor boyfriend Jack through a text message and the media is knocking on her door that very morning. Her ex-boyfriend has left her for a famous actress with a flawless body and smile.
Katie works for a magazine and her PR-friends decides to make an extreme makeover on her to turn her into a superstar so that her ex would want to take her back and regret what he has done. So overnight she gets to wear expansive clothes and makeup, party with the famous and being idolized for being strong and independent by the “regular people”.
I loved the concept of this book that a plus size girl who is very plane-Jane gets the opportunity to be like the rich and famous. I bet I’m not the only one that dreams of that at times to times. But there are lots of conflicts in the book as well. When they decided to make Katie a celebrity she also got a lot of new friends that just want to help her, or are they really? So she will have to be strong and figure out who her real friends are.
This book is very easy to see yourself in, how she struggles not to check facebook or not to call Jack after a couple of wine. How hard it is for her to accept her being dumped. How irrational she is thinking when she is being sad. But there are a lot of happy, crazy and sexy moments in there as well and I think I laugh out load quite many times. The book was really addictive because I wanted to know how she was going to handle all the things that happened to her all the time.
At the end of this book, she has been through a hell of a ride but after all she can go away from it all with her head up high while some other of the characters really made a fool out of themselves and you can close the book with a smile on your face. I did feel a bit stronger and a bit of victory after reading this book and I can say that it boosted me.
» Blog assignment 2
I just saw a very good short movie, this one, that in a very easy way described the problematic around our electronic habits. That the companies want us to buy new stuff rather than fix them when they brake, but also that the companies don’t makes stuff that holds for longer than 18 months. And here the storyteller does a very claver comparison. She let us know that there is a man called Gordon E. Moore who predicted that every 18 month, the chip performance would double it capacity and this is now called the "Moore's Law". The storyteller says that the companies has misheard this and think that it is called "Buy more Law". I found this amusing.
This movie was very good just to wake me up a bit. I am very aware that I always want new stuff all the time. I am not satisfied for very long with my new things. And phones are a good example.
You buy a phone and sign up for 24 month, but after 18 month it is broken and it is so expansive to fix it when you can just sign up for another 24 month and have the latest phone! I have heard this plenty of times from friends.
For a long time I was so irritated that all phones had their own chargers and if you run out of battery when you were over at a friends house you just had to wait till you got home so that you could charge it because your friend maybe had a Nokia while you had an Ericsson.
I found this to be even a bigger problem when I got my first smartphone.
No battery life at all and every smartphone had a different charger... This has now changed!
Unless you still have an Iphone…
Anyway, this was an easy but still so good movie and it felt very right in time. But I think I have seen a change in how we handle our electronics these days. At least I don’t feel that stress over having the latest computer, or the newest phone. I actually think it is way cooler if you have a phone that is over 24 month and still going strong! Yeah right.... I don’t think I have ever seen one. Let mine be the first! It is 18 month old now. Lets make it 24!
» Blog assignment 1
After I have been reading an article by Peter Burrows, here it is, about the phenomenon iPhone and the obsession around it, I cannot help to be a bit amazed but at the same time wondering about the future.
I am one of who always lets my hand slip over my pocket to see if my phone is still there and think that I felt a text or my phone buzz in my pocket when I actually can have it right in my hand in front of me.
Born in 1990 I got my first phone when I was ten years old, and that phone was only for calling my parents or to send a text.
As Larry Rosen says, “The iPhone has changed everything about how we relate to technology, for both good and bad,” I could not agree more.
It is good that you easily can call a friend, your mother, a cab or the pizzeria but it also makes people taking for granted that they always can get a hold on you quick and easy. Witch can make you feel forced to always have your phone with you.
But as an example, you always carry your job email with you, it’s making it very hard to let go off work even when you’re at home at night. It is so easy to take a look at your email “just to be prepared for tomorrow” and maybe that email was something you will have to redo and just have to wait till the morning witch will make you think of work the last thing you think of before you go to sleep.
And maybe that email needed a quick answer, so you had to answer it.
In both cases, you will feel stress over your work. You may just not know about it yet.
So this article made me start thinking about what a stressful thing this iPhone really is! The stress of always being connected, being online. I know that I feel uncomfortable if my phone looses its internet connection. Actually, it would make me want to go home.
And also, I would have to turn back home if I found out that I forgot it at the breakfast table.
Im definitly having an obsession about my phone. But do I want to do anything about it? That is an easy question to answer, but will I do anything about it? That is the question.
» Gamla bilder #1
Ska väl börja från början i mitt arkiv men tack vare att min externa hårddisk krascha när jag lämna in min dator på service 2010 så förlorade jag väääldigt många foton. Så min första ponny Accord har , jag nästan inga foton på förutom de som vi hade framkallat.
» Day 4: Something green
» Day 3: Clouds
» Day 2: What you wore today
- Shortsen har jag köpt utomlands i en affär som heter Supreme, nitarna har jag satt på själv från Panduro.
- Tröjan kommer från Gina Tricot, en STOR favorit bland mina tröjor, den är lite längre så går att använda till leggings tex.
- Skorna, jag gillar inte att behöva knyta snören så fick tipset utav min gravida vän Malin att hon köpt dessa när det började bli långt till marken ;) haha älskar dom!
- Min Guess-klocka används flitigt dagligen! Jag trivs bra i silversmcken så silver är vanligt förekommande på min outfit. Fick klockan utav min sambo när jag fyllde 22 <3
- Silverarmbandet fick jag utav farfar och hans fru Malena när jag konfirmirande mig, var jag 15 då? alltså 7 år sedan och tar aldrig av mig det om jag inte absolut måste! Farfar gick bort 2009 dessutom.
Ove Johansson heter smeden och det är tillverkat i hamnen i Varberg. - Sista arbandet med pärlorna har jag gjort själv =)
» Sommarkurs
Fick idag reda på att jag är godkänd och klar.
Helt sanslöst så skönt det känns =) 7.5 hp rikare ;)
Imorgon är det tenta i funktionell programmering som hägrar.
Fick en liten självförtroende-boost utav detta =)
» Day 1 : Self-portrait
» 30 day photography challenge
Märkte nämligen igår att efter att jag skrivit ner mitt mål med dagen så fick jag det även genomfört.
» Tentaplugg!
- Göra alla fyra Haskell-tentorna två gånger
» Min hund Chila
» Ponnyridning
Så sugen på att köpa häst igen! Men får ju rida fina hästar ibland ändå =)
Zandy visar upp lilla Violen =)